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Ride A Bike Across The Golden Gate Bridge: A Free Self-Guided Tour

As a teen I once heard someone mention cycling across the Golden Gate Bridge. I didn't know that was a thing you could do until that very moment and I felt an instant resolve to do it someday.  It was a magnificent experience partly because I really like bikes and partly because I enjoy being in places that make me feel small.  Riding on this massive bridge reminded me how insignificant my personal struggles are compared to the monumental problems humankind has collectively overcome, and I find that comforting.  Cycling across the bridge is an iconic San Francisco experience. It's so popular that several bike rental companies offer guided tours around town and across the bridge.  The prices can get fairly steep and besides, I like to explore in my own way, on my own time.  I've joined group tours before, and I don't like the feeling of being on a school field trip and the need to stay with the group. So, I created my own Self-guided Golden Gate Bridge Bike Tour . And I&

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